3/15/2008 07:02:00 PM

A Saturday Anecdote

~~ The convenience Store beside my Nihongo school ~~

Me: *opens freezer* "Oh they're out of milk tea... again." *takes a chocolate drink and chips then heads for the cashier*

Cashier: "Good afternoon sir, this counter please"

Me: *drops some stuff to the counter*

Cashier: *zaps barcode* *presses cashier buttons* "That would be 38.00 please"

Me: *hands over a hundred*

Cashier: *opens cash register* *presses more cashier buttons* "Sir, how much should I give you?"

Me: *puzzled look* "Huh?"

Cashier: "You gave me a hundred right? How much should I give you?"

Me: "I dunno. Wait... 62.00?"

Cashier: "Okay," *hands over change* "thank you. Please come again~"

Me: *goes away confused*

4 messages:

ilovestrawberry said...

ok..that was tempting..or maybe they are just testing the customers. Or maybe they think people depend on gadgets to much..what am i saying..yeah whatever

Megane~kun said...

I thought so too at first.

But then she explained that she punched the wrong numbers and that she can't undo it, so she's asking for my help in computing for the change.

Kai Agito said...


I could swear that the change should've appeared in the LCD screen after that person scanned the items you bought. LOL.

either that or he's just absent-minded or worse, he sucks in math. XD

Megane~kun said...

He's a she actually.

Her mistake was that she punched in 120.00 instead of the 100.00 I gave her.

So she got confused I guess~