It's time you guys know about that Japan job I've been raving on about, just so you can relate to my entries. But I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the company's name here nor the recruiter agency, so I won't, just to be sure. I dunno, I just felt that it's better that I'm discreet about things like that... something about a news article where a guy got fired because he blogged about his company makes me nervous.
Okay, I'll start where it all began: when my aunt (from Japan) asked me for my resume because she's going to refer me to a friend of hers for an I.T. job in Japan. At first I felt reluctant, considering the depression I had to go through after failing in my attempts of reaching that country of unimaginable wonders. But with a shrug and a sigh, I sent my resume together with my friends.
That was last January.
February came and I almost forgot about the job offer when my mom messaged me that my aunt was coming to our house with the recruiter! I kinda hyperventilated after that and went into an excessive giddy-ness phase. So I rushed back home, sat down, dropped a hint at how much I loved Japan, and that I am very much qualified for the job. My aunt backed me up and pretty much told the recruiter that the company really needs people like me.
They were impressed, convinced, and decided that we should now consider ourselves hired. Although, I was told that I have 2-3 weeks left to prepare for my 'official' interview with the company president and a representative. It was a "..." moment.
The three of us were scheduled to be interviewed on the same date, but a week before that I got sick. Really sick. I had measles. The moment red spots started invading my face I knew that I'll miss the interview. It was such an absurd idea, something so depressing, that my mind didn't really process it that much. The interview date came and went, and I had an attack of depression so deep that I was seriously considering the idea of giving up on Japan. Sheesh~
Apparently Kai got sick that day too, with fever. And since the recruiter was so benevolent and kind (and they really want to recruit us, hehe), they moved the interview date. There was a problem with me still ridden with marks all over my body left by the measles, but that was remedied with a concealer, long-sleeves, and a winning smile. ^__^
The interview went by so fast, I only managed to utter a sentence or two in Japanese to the company president (I planned to impress them with my minimal Japanese skills). No matter, because my resume spoke for itself. A stare and a double nod, then I got hired. Kai and Rose too!
That same day, we had our orientation where the job description was thoroughly discussed along with the salary breakdown, the contract, Japanese lifestyles, training schedules, and a possibility of going to a Tokyo Disneyland field-trip. You possibly cannot imagine my sheer bliss.
*shiver* I am finally going to Japan. We are going to JAPAN!
By the way, I've read in a horoscope sometime ago that my life will take a dramatic change this year for the good. I very much agree... Don't you?
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Te Nori Taigā
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3/04/2008 10:25:00 AM
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11 messages:
I immediately knew who you were once I've read those two words (that's if you consider 'woo' a word).
I would like to join you in your spazmic session.
JAPAN!!!! Oh gawrsh, WOO!!!!!!!!!!!
i stumbled upon your blog while looking for monbusho information and i thought your life story and your friends' are very interesting hehe. i have a question if you dont mind my asking, but can my friend also apply to your company's japan programming job? and how should she go about it? she's somewhat a japanophile too and a fresh comp grad so i thought she might be interested in this sort of thing.
sorry if i sound stalker-ish but im just curious. thank you for reading!
Oh wow hello there~!
How great of you to drop by and leave a comment! That was unexpected, didn't thought other people would care to read my entries haha~
About your question, it really depends. This job requires some skills, or experience, or not. You can't bluff your way through because there were some who got sent and are now going back because they weren't able to fulfill their job.
Anyway, without further ado, here's the URL for the recruiter's website:
We were told that Japanese companies are prohibited to do direct hiring. That is, you'd have to come through a recruiter first, and they'll refer you to the company.
I hope you'll read my reply, hope this helps! Maybe I'll see your friend in Japan soon~ Ja ne~!
Congratulations! I assume you're moving to Tokyo? Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions. I don't know Tokyo so well (I live close to Nagoya), but have been in Japan for a number of years.
Good luck!
Oh hi Mel! Wow, I'm such a fan of yours.
Yes, we'll be living in Yokohama this coming July. But I think we'd be trained/work in Kanagawa or Kawasaki, I'm not sure...
Thank you so much, I'll try and think of questions to ask. Haha~
hello again :]
thank you! i have referred the site and your blog to my friend so she can know more of the process.
hehe pls do keep your entries coming, theyre entertaining and informative. hehe good luck in your nihonggo studies!
You don't know just how happy you've made me feel! Don't worry, I'm quite an blog-addict; I usually put out 2-3 entries a day~
And I am really glad to be able to help you and your friend.
Do you both have blogs? If so, please tell me, I would very much like to visit them sometime soon~
I was researching about MIRSI kasi natanggap din ako. You know, I'm just checking if this agency is really legitimate, etc.
Anyway, natanggap nga ako, along with some other IT fresh grads and professionals. And we're having a 2 1/2 to 3 months of nihonggo training. May ganito rin ba sa batch nyo?
Also, I'm really wondering to which company will I be deployed. Wala pa kasi sinasabi and as early as possible gusto ko sana malaman agad yun to do some research on that company too. I do not want to delve into things unknown to me. I want to make sure na kung ano ang pinapasukan ko, alam ko at sigurado ako na hindi ako maaagrabyado or something to that effect.
If I may also ask, how long have you been working there? So far so good naman ba?
Hi there Mr/Ms unknown person hehe.
I know this is a super late reply but yes, I am working here in Tokyo. Been in the company for about 2 months now. The people are great, the working environment cozy and productive, and yes it is legitimate.
You've probably heard from the agency (which you and I have applied for) about testimonials of people from previous batches. I've met them all, and I can vouch for the authenticity of everything that you've been told so far... assuming they're telling you the same things they told me.
Again, I'm sorry for the late reply. I do hope you'll still be able to read this.
Thanks for the reply! If you don't mind, can I ask what programming language you are using right now? How's the company you are working with? I hope we can meet when we get there. Thanks :D
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