Let me introduce you to two of my batchmates for the Japan job, who also happened to be my classmates back in college, co-authors in my previous blog, people who I share my Japan-o-philiac passion, and the ones I've mentioned in my previous entries as the mysterious 'my friends'.
The one on the left is Rose/Jenny/Crazy Woman, and the one on the right with the striped shirt is Julianne/Kai/Youngjinsu. I'm quite sure they'll object that I'm using their picture here without consent, although I've no other ones to use. So there.
The three of us met back in our 1st day of college, fresh from highschool with nothing but dreams and uncertainties on our backs. The 4 years breezed by and we graduated with flying colors. Yes, we were honor students, scholars, and dean's listers. Thus, we have bragging rights~ Hah!
After graduation, we tried applying for the Monbukagakusho or the Japanese Government-sponsored Scholarship. We passed the first screening, but failed on the exams. We speculate it's because of the Integral Calculus, Discrete Mathematics and Nuclear Physics that somehow found its way onto the examiners. Okay I'm kidding about the Nuclear Physics, but it could've been there for all I know. Even my college professor required some crunching time to solve the sample questions from last year's application examinations.
Afterwards we settled into some pretty comfy jobs and left our going-to-Japan dreams to cryogenic giddy chambers to hibernate while we wait for an opportunity come by again.
It did. And what an opportunity it was! My aunt (from Japan) managed to befriend someone from her bank teller years who became a recruiter for an I.T. company in Japan~ So of course when they required some programmers who's willing to relocate to a land filled with cherry blossoms and vending machines, guess who my aunt referred?
More about the job in some later days when I'm in the mood, actually I am now but I plan to post some other entries today. Oh and we got accepted, obviously. Else, I wouldn't be blogging here. I'd still use my previous blog posting nonsense entries about food and stuff. Hehe~
Kai and Rose each have their own blogs now. I'm considering helping them with their layouts... hmm, yes I think I will. It's the very least I can do for them putting up with me all these years.
Rose's blog: My Strawberry Days
Kai's blog: Sweet Anxiousness
Be sure to visit them and leave some messages~! (^_^)-b
About Me
Blog Archive
- At Last!
- Last Song Syndrome
- My Will Be Done~
- The Apprentice
- Gave Away My Identity
- Daruma
- Bus Things~
- Week of My Last~
- Hair Cut!
- Ni Hyaku Yen Shop
- Omiyage~
- A Couple of Glimpses
- Matabungkay
- The Girl Who Sang~
- Mushroom Burgers
- Happy 1st Birthday Dad!
- Week of Holiness~
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- I'm DOOMED~!
- Meow Mamu Meow~
- i <3 Pod
- The Big Decision
- Happiness Jinxes
- A Saturday Anecdote
- Osewa ni Narimashita~
- Unexpected + Unbelievable + Greatness
- Two Down, Two to Go~
- Food, Togas, and Free Stuff!
- Level Up~!
- Ohhhh Tokyo!
- Japan-o-philiac's Food
- The Hundred Butts
- Sketchings~
- The Night of Sevens
- To Leave, Lose, and Gain
- Aa! Megami~sama!
- Ride All You Can~
- Drop Those Pants!
- Healthy Options
- One Down, Three to Go~
- Feb's Belated Feast
- Gold Teddy Bear
- In a Single Heartsink
- Darnation~
- Goodbyes at a Meeting
- Nihon no Shigoto
- The Night the Sky Turned Pink
- My Tomodachies
- Gyoza and Pasta
- Me, my brother and Measles~
- Long Saturday ~Part 2~
- Long Saturday ~Part 1~
- Two Eyed Daruma
Te Nori Taigā
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3/03/2008 11:10:00 AM
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5 messages:
wow, I see my horrible horrible face there. XD
nice entry. couldn't have written it any better than you did. haha. that pretty much sums up what we've done for the past few years we've all been together as friends.
ohhh, help in making the layout will be very much appreciated. ^_^V
You're not horrible, I think you guys looks quite cute staring at my cam expectantly~
And thank you for the compliments, I couldn't have flattered myself any better!
I really think time goes so fast. Or maybe it's because we couldn't control it... things just keeps rolling by...
Don't worry, my help is available anytime you peeps need it! I just need to get home because that's the only place I can use Photoshop~
"putting up with you all these years.." ..awww..i'm touched :) Don't make me cry..
putting up with you all these years...
tsk tsk. is that supposed to make us feel...better? haha.
I'll see if I can catch you online at night and force you to enslave yourself using PS and make me a new layout! XD
LOL, what are you guys talking about?
It's true, I'm very extraordinary. And with unending patience, you guys were there with me. Japan or no Japan, we were still close. Thank you for that.
Kai> Ackt! I need sleep. And to think you go home by midnight... *shiver*
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