Today was a loooong day. It was as if 2 days were cramped in just 24 hours that what happened this morning felt like yesterday. Time really does fly when you're having fun, but this time it flew all over the world and back again.It started with me opening up this blog and trying to decorate the place. But alas, we have a scheduled pictorial of some sort at 10 AM with my batchmates for the Japan job, so I wasn't able to finish my layout and left it in mid-design to shower up and rush to the meeting place.
Inevitably, I arrived late. Maybe 25 minutes late. No matter, they looked as if they've accomplished a lot without me there so I hope they didn't notice just how late I was... Anyway, we were handed the medical referral forms, a list of certifications we have to take in Japan (they say it's all about the certificates there), and some reading materials for the job. Who knew filling out forms were so much fun? No really, it was!
But the highlight of the meeting was the pictorial. Whatever comes out of this pictorial will be posted on their website and on the recruitment posters distributed nationwide! So we tried to looked our best and I wore my best clothes (kinda). They had a hard time fitting the 10 of us inside a single shot. It was probably because the venue was a bit small and there was no room to back up the camera to fit us all in. Well we got the shot anyway, but I didn't look as good as I had hoped... *sigh* well at least there's still the Tokyo photo shoot to look forward too~ Wootwoo!We were treated to a glorious feast of pizza, chicken with gravy, and a hefty serving of carbonara at a nearby restaurant. It was meant to be a bonding moment, for us to get acquainted with the other members of the batch. Well it was really fun, we had so much to talk about while waiting for the food (which got mixed up, we ordered spaghetti by the way).
There were talks about the place where we'll live, where we'll be trained and the location of our office (Yokohama, Kanagawa, Kawasaki. I forgot which was which). We were also able to share our experiences on how we became Japan-o-philiacs, about blogs, and other stuff~ All-in-all it was a truly "bonding" moment, but in the end we had to go our separate ways. Besides it looked as if it's gonna rain~
Hmmm... I think I'll cut my story here for now. I'll post what happened for the rest of the day in another entry. Till then, ja ne~!
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Te Nori Taigā
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3/01/2008 07:26:00 PM
Keywords: Batch 5, Chef d' Angel, Pictorial
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2 messages:
Wow..i looked so nice and cute in that pic...hahaha(evil laugh)
Darn my camera and it's selective tendencies!
There are times when I look good on a shot, then when I try to take another one later I'll look oh so ghastly.
My kingdom for a digicam...!
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