And after going on a month-long silence for reasons unknown even to me, I am here to post an entry! Woo! To think I even promised a new layout... *sigh*
Well the layout's gonna have to wait till the weekends, and that's if I can find time to do it. I have a bunch of Japanese dramas and animes queued up for me to watch, supposing we don't go off again on our "almost weekly" excursions around Japan. Well, mostly around the Tokyo area anyway.
Just have to report that Summer's absolutely over by now. Temperatures are dipping wayyyy below the 15's now (Celsius), and it's not unusual to wake up and see that the window's dripping wet with moisture. They said that the snow's going to be earlier this year... ohhh I just can't wait!
I used to see the sun up and shining even up till 7 PM, while nowadays it would make its dramatic exit as early as 4:30. It's really difficult to get up in the morning with everything looking so dark. I'm used to opening my eyes to the sunshine, but nowadays, it's like getting up at mid-twilight; all dark, gloomy, silent, and cold. Makes you want to ignore the alarm and snooze off till noon. I usually turn the alarm off when it rings and get up 45 minutes later, giving me a boost of adrenaline once I open my eyes and realize that if I don't get up now and put my freezing butt into the shower soon, I'll be late for work.
And it's quite nice to see that the trees here are so festive and burning with passion. Most of the leaves have yet to turn into the Autumny-red though, but some of the smaller trees have gone on and embraced the season whole-heartedly. In my country, they just turn brown, die, then fall into the ground and transform into trash. Not really dramatic, but I guess I can't blame them if they want to escape the sweltering heat of our Winter... if you could even call that a Winter. I guess we only have two seasons back home: Summer and Hotter Summer.
I just wish I could enjoy Autumn long enough before the temps go any lower. With my hands and ears freezing as it is, I can't even imagine just how much colder it would be when Japan's Winter finally comes. I sincerely hope it wouldn't be so cold that it would freeze our eyeballs the moment we step outside. That would be scary and downright horrifying. Can that ever happen...?
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Te Nori Taigā
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11/10/2008 03:41:00 PM
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3 messages:
Eee gads! Is it THAT cold already? I mean, we're just starting to get nippy down here, Kansai way!
Stay warm!...I hope we get some snow this year, I know there was some that actually stayed put for awhile last year! ^_^
It's certainly getting chilly here in Meguro-ku! I've not taken my hat off since I got home 36 hours ago!
Hello dateline osaka! It was sometime late September that I wished Autumn would finally come and pull the leaves down from the trees and take the temperatures down with it.
Well, now I hope it hadn't did so this fast, it was so surprising to sweat one day then get numb fingers the next! Coming from a tropical country with a normal day hovering around 30 degrees Celsius, this is as Wintry as my body could tolerate!
Hello there joseph! I agree. I was out for lunch in Roppongi and I had to hurry back quickly because the air soaked through the layers of my clothes.
And living in Saitama, I've heard that it gets colder there than Tokyo since it's up there in the North.
Me and my friends are already planning to spend the New Years in an onsen complex and steam our freezing worries away!
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