I feel good~ Nana nana nana naa~ *dances* After a long time of being bummed, this has got to be one of the best Fridays yet!
- Results of the JLPT 2 (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) mock exam came back; I didn't pass, yet my sensei said I improved a whopping 130%!
- Last night a representative from my company came by and told me that my pay will be a day late, and to compensate for such inconvenience, gave me a salary advance! Woot.
- After scourging bookstores everywhere in search of a JLPT 2 application form (which were all sold out, they said), I found out that there's a bookstore right inside my office building; one that still has a form available! I bought one a while ago, at last!
- I found a wonderful book (same store) about Japan's monsters and ghastly myths, and it's in English! Wow, it had a bargain price too! Of course, I snatched it right away... can't wait to read it on the train ride home!
- And to top it all off, I'm now munching on some Pocky sticks and gulping down a cup of my fave iced milk tea.
- Oh, and tomorrow's a Saturday. The best of them lot yet!

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